Home » Parenthood » Easy Cheesy vege pasta bake for fussy toddlers

Easy Cheesy vege pasta bake for fussy toddlers

Easy cheesy Vege pasta bake for fussy toddlers

Lil B has started to become a fussy little eater! He used to eat everything we gave him. That is until he was introduced to sweet things! I try and give him sweet stuff in moderation but when other people are giving him sweet things and you’re not aware of it (we won’t say who. But you know who you are!!). It makes it hard for you as the parent to teach them to eat healthily…Gggrrrrr!! And that’s my little vent about that!

Now onto the reason I am writing this post today… I  now have to come up with creative ways to feed Lil B healthy foods i.e. Brocolli, peas, cauliflower…Mostly green vegetables! What is it about kids and not liking green veggies?? Boggles me!

The dish I came up with for Lil B’s lunch today was: ‘easy cheesy vege pasta bake’. All in one pot! Which means less washing up for Mum! YAY!

*1 cup Pasta (any of your choice). I went with what I had in my cupboard.
* I cup grated cheese
* Cup of mixed veggies (frozen or fresh,up to you)
* 1 Tbsp corn flour
* 1/4 cup milk (may need extra, depending on how thick or thin you’d like your white sauce)
* 1 Tbspn unslated butter
* 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
** Basil leaves
** chives
**The herbs are optional, depending on what your kiddo likes**

– In a small pot boil the pasta, with the veggies, according to packet directions or just until the pasta is uldente, drain and set aside.
– In the same sauce pan heat the butter, till it melts
– Add the cornflour to the butter and stir, until all lumps are dissolved. Add the milk and keep stirring until the sauce has a smooth consistency, keep adding milk & little bits of cornflour until you’ve reached your desired texture or until there are no more lumps. Add in cheese and herbs & mix well.
– Add the pasta and veggies to the sauce and stir until all pasta covered in the delishes cheesy, vege sauce.
– Top with parmesan cheese and let sit on the stove with the lid on until the cheese has melted.
– Serve with some love and a smile 🙂

Hope all your fussy little eaters like this recipe. Let me know in the comments below.

Good Luck and happy, healthy eating.

Lameese X

One thought on “Easy Cheesy vege pasta bake for fussy toddlers

  1. Pingback: Cheesy Pasta Bake.. | The Weird, The Wonderful and The Awful

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